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Add headers to specific rows and output the results to multiple excel files

8 - Asteroid

My data is have multiple entities and I want the output to split into multiple files, one file for per each entity (if there are 10 entities then it should output10 excel files). The tricky part is, in my data transformation I have to add headers at different rows in the data, so I have used union tool, hence headers appeared as exactly as I need, now that the issue is the results for all entities are grouped under headers and I have to output the results to multiple excel files at each entity along with the headers. Please suggest if possible with workaround. 


Note below input files are header files, each header is slightly different from each other.




5 - Atom

Hi Shavani,


Can you let me know, on what condition or logic (along with Company Code) are you dividing sub two headers for each group of records 

8 - Asteroid

This a sample data and not specified appropriately, in real time it have many other fields and different filter criteria. Here it is Tax code and amount fields can also help in differentiating the results.


Input and Output used in my earlier message is for representation.



