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Select multiple columns from multiple inputs dynamically

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Geeks,


Have one query for select tool.


I've 500 csv files which have columns ranging from 20 to 50+. Now, what I want to automate/fastpace is as following:


1. Is there any way to take input all 500 files at once?

2. Further, I've 8 to 10 specific columns which I need to select from each file from intial 50+ columns present.

3. Add 1 more column to each input file before merging them all together where I need to assign column name from filename itself.


Is there any faster way to achieve this aprt from conventional ways?


Please help!





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Deepvijay you should read this guide as it will help with the first question 1. After you bring in your files you can use the select tool to choose your ten columns. You can try to use the Dynamic Select tool as well if you don't want to go through all 50+ plus fields. The third question is really easy to solve as all the Input tools have the option of adding a column with the filename in the configuration window/options of the tools as shown below.


