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Add headers to specific rows and output the results to multiple excel files

8 - Asteroid

My data is have multiple entities and I want the output to split into multiple files, one file for per each entity (if there are 10 entities then it should output10 excel files). The tricky part is, in my data transformation I have to add headers at different rows in the data, so I have used union tool, hence headers appeared as exactly as I need, now that the issue is the results for all entities are grouped under headers and I have to output the results to multiple excel files at each entity along with the headers. Please suggest if possible with workaround. 


Note below input files are header files, each header is slightly different from each other.




15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



Could you share a sample workflow it will help to provide the solution 🙂



5 - Atom

You mean to say 1o entities means 10 records in each file ? and you want each records to have different file as output with headers ? is my understanding right ?

8 - Asteroid

there is no limit as such for no of records, in can have any no of records, entity one may have 10 records , entity two can be 20, but all these entities should have same headers at end output files.

5 - Atom

Ok. Can you please share some sample data files and visualize output as expected.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @ShravaniChanda 


You'll need to add File name column that is based on the entity ID.  Append this to every row, including the header rows and use this to separate your output by this filename field in the Output config



Make sure to uncheck "Keep Field in Output" so that the Filename field doesn't show up in your output





8 - Asteroid

Hi Dan, I have same thought but the challenge is I could not able to appended headers for all the entities, what I have done was just appended the header by union tool, what I need this header should be repeated for all entities so that I can output into multiple files without missing headers. 

8 - Asteroid

Hey @NikunjC @danilang @messi007 , 


here is an sample format, input file contains data for multiple companies.

There is an header file attached, and also output file format that should write into multiple excel files, result format is seen different sheets based on company code.





19 - Altair

In your ouptut file how do you differentiate which rows you want under which header? If I could see that clearly I'd whip something up for you before bedtime sorry.


Basically everything you want is doable - but it's a report text/table/reporting tool palette kind of thing. Then you use a render to put into excel as formatted data.


Basically you're table-esque column header header will become a table - your other two headers would be separated and turned into distinct report text tools. You then divide your input data as you see fit into specific tables and start unioning or summarizing the different report components to get everything as you want. Note - if you want your column headers at the top of the page you make sure your data-tables don't include your headers. At the end you send to excel via a render tool.

8 - Asteroid

Hey, there is some filter criteria to pull it down, I think for now filtering on Company code and Tax code should get the results in output file.
