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Access engine error

7 - Meteor

Hello community,


I have a workflow where I use a dynamic input to open numerous single .xls sheets. It works fine.


I want to use a parallel workflow where I again use the dynamic input tool, but to open other worksheets in the same set of files as the first query above. I changed the path to get to the wanted sheets and made sure the syntax is exactly the same as the first query, but I get an Access Database Engine error message telling me the files cannot be found.


Would anybody have a clue to help me out ?


thank you



14 - Magnetar

Hi @dataminerchris 


I haven't experienced this specific problem but I've had something similar, and resolved it by installing the Microsoft Access Database Engine drivers.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



Excel wouldn't allow you to access the same file multiple times so if those two branches run in parallel and one of them accesses Sheet 1 from File 1 and the other will attempt Sheet 2 from File 1, it will fail as the file will be "locked". I'd expect to see a different error message but in scenarios like this I make sure the processes get executed one after another rather than in parallel. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

As above there will be a lock on the file from the first run.


You could install the Access Database Engine in the first post, and then choose the legacy Excel option in the input tool.


This should get around it.


7 - Meteor

Hello MichalM


thank you for the remark : I guessed there must have been some sort of lock, because I could not see a mistake in the syntax nor file path, but you confirm it.


thank you



7 - Meteor

thank you Jamielaird for the prompt answer.


I got further clues from MichalM explaining the presence of a real "lock" on multiple access to the same file.
