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Access Workday reports through Download tool

8 - Asteroid

How can I access Workday using the Download tool?


I have a URL, Username and Password but not sure what else I need. 

Confused by this process.


I found this thread for reference:  

19 - Altair

just use the download tool -> set up your url - > encode your username/password as username:password. use the base_64 tool -> throw "Basic "+your base64 term.

7 - Meteor



Can you provide insight into how to configure the download tool for this? the Header tab? Payload tab?

19 - Altair

throw your username:password into a field. use the base 64 tool to encode. add a new formula tool - through 'Basic '+- output of your base 64. your url is whatever your report URL is. You should not need a payload to retrieve your Workday report - but ask your Workday admin. Content-Type should be determined by your report. Use GET as your http action. Talk to your Workday team if you have any errors.

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