I am getting this error message when I'm running a workflow that is uploading information to an AWS S3 bucket:
Error: Amazon S3 Upload (130): Error from AWS: Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period. Idle connections will be closed.
I have run this workflow in the past without error, this only started happening recently. I don't believe it's a network or AWS issue, as I've checked both of those possibilities.
Does anyone have experience dealing with this error?
A little unsure - maybe it's a network issue?
Assuming this is the regular Amazon S3 Upload Tool (alteryx.com), have you tried the AWS tools offered by Aimpoint Digital on the Marketplace? AWS Tools by Aimpoint Digital | Alteryx Marketplace
It has completed when our network has been slower, so I don't think that's the issue. It is the normal S3 upload tool, I have not looked at the other tools before.
what's the file size? can you auth into aws cli locally (and if so - can you upload with an aws s3 cp {{filename}} {s3 bucket} command?
file size is 8 gb. we can upload on the machine and locally through the tool no issues, it doesn't fail all the time, just occasionally on bigger files
This is probably a network timeout issue then. because of the file size. Any chance you can partition the file and upload in bunches?
I looked into the new S3 tools, and can't get the configuration to work. I've filled in the AWS access key id and secret access key, and the file paths, but I'm getting an error: "No module named 'boto3'. I've attached a picture of the base S3 tool since I don't want to post a picture of the keys, but I have filled in all the blank spaces and it isn't uploading. Do you know what configuration element I'm missing?
Run as admin. If that doesn't work. open a new workflow as admin. add a text input too. add a python tool. in your python tool add the following:
from ayx import Package
run it. re-run your s3 tool.
you need to download the boto3 python package. @alexnajm - I'd recommend a different implementation here.
@apathetichell I trust your opinion, just offering up alternative solutions in case it alleviated the issue! I agree batches may be the way to go
Tagging in @PhilipMannering who I think worked on building these Marketplace tools in case there's anything else I may be missing
Uploading in batches isn't an option for me, but thank you for the options and help. I will try this solution, and look forward to the help on the S3 tool.