There are times that you want to read in Microsoft Excel files that have been password protected without going through too many extra hoops. Out-of-the-box the INPUT Tool will not do this - 2019.2 included. But you are in luck there are numerous R & Python packages that can handle this request. Here is one example leveraging the R Tool.
Attached below is the workflow, but if you just want the R code then here you go. (notice that library that needs to be installed)
# install.packages(c(""))
df <- read.Alteryx("#1", mode="data.frame")
filename <- as.character(df[1,"FullPath"])
excel_pwd <- as.character(df[1,"excel_password"])
excel_data <-, password = excel_pwd, write.res.password=excel_pwd)
write.Alteryx(excel_data, 1)
Hi, can you please help, what need to be put in the formula? I understand correctly, that the R code need to be write in the R configuration? That's all?
I got an error when I try to install package. In Rstudio I can do it. Dou you have idea why?
I am getting the below error after installing the library in the proper folder.
Error: R (19): Error: package or namespace load failed for '' in rbind(info, getNamespaceInfo(env, "S3methods")):
Is that an issue with my R install, the password protected file that I'm attempting to open, or something else?
if i want to read from multiple sheet names how to specify the sheet names?
Hi, I am facing the same problem, where you able to resolve Invalid Class String Error?
Hi all,
thank you for the quick tip on reading password protected excel files. That helps a lot.
But as i tried to play around with the input file, an error occured.
The original excel file only includes 1 value which is in the first column/row. But what if the first row only includes are header and the important data is below. I changed my data as shown in the screenshot. But my final output will still be the same: It shows only one value, which is "Header".
The idea would be just to read all values in the file and then i can clean the file with Alteryx.
I guess i have to adapt somehow the Rcode in following row?
df <- read.Alteryx("#1", mode="data.frame")
Can somebody help me here?
Thanks in advance.
For anyone having difficulties installing the R package in Alteryx, please follow these steps:
Does anyone know if there is a similar package that would work with r version 3.4.4 as found in Alteryx 2018.4? Thanks
I am in the same boat here as well. Anyone have an idea?
This is super helpful. Thank you!
I am encountering a strange issue using this package where the workflow runs successfully locally and outputs a password-protected file as desired; however, when I run the same workflow from a Gallery the R Tool throws an error: "Error: Invalid class string".
I have attached a sample workflow.
My troubleshooting so far shows that:
1. When run in the Gallery the package is installed and seems to be loaded successfully.
2. The error seems to be taken on the last line of the R script (the command)
Any ideas why the workflow would perform differently in a Gallery versus locally?
My R script looks like this:
if("" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE)
{install.packages("", repos = "")}
df <- read.Alteryx("#1", mode="data.frame")
today <- Sys.Date()
format(today, format="%Y-%m-%d")
filename <- as.character(paste("Test Report_", today, ".xlsx", sep = "")), filename, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, password = "TestPass")