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how do i do a transformation to fill empty spaces with values above and then when i normalise table in that way to create a pivot table. see in pictures. how do i get from 1 to 2 to 3...? thnx

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello @Hrvoje Somun? , thank you for your question.

Regarding the first step - you'll need to use the fill() function while sorting the columns via the metadata parameter $sourcerownumber. This way, you'll be able to use the original value sorting, while all the empty cells will "look up" to find the first non-empty value.

  • I've used "edit with formula" to edit the existing columns
  • I've used $col to refer to the original column values
  • I've used -1 in the second parameter to look up "without limitations"
  • I've used 0 in the third parameter so to never "look down"


Regarding the second step to reach the pivot table - this isn't a tabular presentation of the values, and isn't something we do in Trifacta. At least, not without a lot of tinkering, which I do not recommend.


I'd advise creating this pivotal presentation through any BI tool of your choice.


I hope this helps,

Please feel free to ask any additional questions.

