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date format change problem

5 - Atom

I'm watching the "A03. Data Wrangler Training - Transformations" and in the video o date format change, the instructor apply the following step:

In the video all dates are correctly changed:

When i apply the same step, i get some error:


I even tried to apply some custom input format, but got nothing:


Looking closer now, i noticed that the pre-step column already seems of, because the histogram in my trifacta and in the video are different too.


Does any one know how to correct this problem?


Thanks, kendi.



I noticed a thing, I'm Brazilian and all the rows i had a problem are from months the abbreviation of the month in portuguese is different from english. This can be checked in the printscreens of the histogram:

Portuguese: Jan, Fev, Mar, Abr, Mai, JunJul, Ago, Set, Out, Nov, Dez.

English: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, JunJul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec.


I checked in the workspace settings and it's United States:

And the encoding when i'm importing the file it's UTF-8.


In my opinion i shouldn't have this problem.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Marcos,


You are right in your analysis regarding the language difference. It is related to your browser's default language. Thank you for bringing this up. We are already working on this change in an upcoming release.

In the meantime, as a temporary solution, you can change the browser language settings to English while working in the Transformer. 

Hope that works for you. Please feel free to reach back in case you need any further assistance.





5 - Atom

Hi Nishi,


It worked.

