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Alteryx Designer Cloud Discussions

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Using Connectors in a better way / best practices

8 - Asteroid

Using google dataprep professional and setting connectors looks pretty easy, but is always a question or problem from source's owner about the security between their database and dataprep environment.


Is there any recommendation about a best way to manage this kind of doubt or security recommendations to avoid any connection ris, or even security certifications from dataprep to make source's owner feel safer about this connection? It's never an easy thing to them about things connecting to their database.


I'm open for suggestions and previous experience from colleagues.


Thanks a lot.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Gustavo Castanheira?,


We have an extensive Google Cloud Dataprep security FAQ at this link:


I would encourage you to share this material with the source owners. Data always remains in a customer's Google Cloud project, and is never persisted outside of the customer environment.


Does this help? Let me know if there is any additional information that would be useful for your data source owners, and we can enhance the FAQ document as needed.