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Understanding the output flow

8 - Asteroid

Hello folks, sorry for this "stupid" question but for me until now is not clear. When I create several recipes that will be used for one output at the end, when I run or schedule this output Im supposing the entire flow that this output depends will also run, is it right?


For example the image below If I run MSEG - business output, it will automatically ensure the MSEG - technical ran from the most updated dataset (source) pointed?


Thanks in advance.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Gustavo Castanheira? ,


That's exactly right! Whenever you run the "MSEG - business" output, Dataprep pulls the most updated/latest data from your "MSEG" dataset, and then runs all of the recipes that lead to the "MSEG - business" output.


I hope this helps!

8 - Asteroid

thanks a lot dear