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Alteryx Designer Cloud Discussions

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Un-nesting objects into columns

6 - Meteoroid

I would like to un-nest my objects into columns but I may have different number of keys. Is there a way I can do that without specifying every key name in Paths to Elements?


Example: I may have 50 key/values in some rows, and just 5 in another. How do I transform them into columns to get e.g. 50 columns and to show blank values where not applicable key?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Irena Dempster? , thank you for your question!

When you have a column of an object data type, you can click on the column's header (the column name), and one of Trifacta's suggestions will be to "unnest values into columns".

In this suggestion, Trifacta will unnest all of the possible keys in this column; Where they don't exist, a blank will be shown.


I hope that helps. Please feel free to ask any additional questions.




10 - Fireball

Nice answer. Thanks, Amit.