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Alteryx Designer Cloud Discussions

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Hello. If I have a flow with many branching outputs, does that whole flow get re-run for each output or will it only go back as far as the recipe that it branches from?

6 - Meteoroid
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Andrew Coe?,


Great question! At the moment, each output in a flow is treated as an independent object. For example, the screenshot below shows a complex flow with multiple outputs:

The output circled in blue branches from a recipe that also produces the output circled in red. If you run the blue output, Trifacta will run the entire flow, including all of the steps that occur prior to the red output.


Customers who don't want this behavior often create multiple flows and materialize any intermediate outputs. Using our example flow above, this could be broken into one flow that produces the red output. The physical location where the red output is published can then be used as the source for a second flow that produces the blue output.


Hope this helps!