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Alteryx Designer Cloud Discussions

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Flow ownership transfer

8 - Asteroid

I have a flow created by an user that left my organization. We are using dataprep at Google Cloud Platform. He was the owner and I would like to transfer the flow ownership to other user, is it possible? 


Im asking that because, once Im domain admin, when I disabled his ID, the flows (schedules, etc) stopped to run as expected.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Gustavo Castanheira?,


You can use the Transfer User Assets API call to transfer ownership of the departed user's flows. Be sure to user the following request body schema:

{ "fromPersonEmail": "string", "toPersonEmail": "string" }

This will allow you to identify the two users through their email addresses.


Let me know if this helps!

8 - Asteroid

it worked perfectly thanks a lot

Hi @Connor Carreras?,


are there any plans to provide that functionality (changing the owner of the flow) in the UI (e.g. in the Admin Console)? From my perspective this is a quite common use case that somebody leaves and one wants to change the ownership of the corresponding flows. One can of course do that with the provided API call (thx!) but in an Enterprise ready software that should probably part of the UI.


Best Regards
