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Connect Data Dictionary

6 - Meteoroid

Does one exist?  Can it be shared with customers?   Something like what Tableau provide below:


You can access Connect internal database via this step-by-step guide:


In internal Connect database you can find "core tables" (internal storage for Connect) and "metadata stage table" (stage tables used by metadata loaders).


See description of the core tables here:


table name table type description
ACTION core table Action, tracking of actions performed
ACTIVE_WORKFLOW core table Lifecycles - defined lifecycles, and entries where lifecycle is activated (workflow)
ATTACHMENT core table Attachement storage for all files attached 
ATTRIBUTE core table Entry attibute in key-value format. Extended entry information like  Description, display type
COMMENT_THREAD core table Comment Threads
COMMENT_THREAD_RESOLUTION core table Resolution log of commens
CONFIG core table Place where archetype XML configs are stored (applications, loading jobs, fragmets, scripts)
CONNECTION core table Connetion as configured on "..." menu (designed for connection USE button)
CONNECTION_PARAMETER core table Connetion details as configured on "..." menu (designed for connection USE button)
DATABASECHANGELOG core table List of database structure modifitations. Used during updrade
DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK core table Lock table when DB upgrade is in progress
ENTRY core table Entry definition. Each single object in system starts here.
ENTRY_HIERARCHY_CHANGE core table Tranking changes on entry hierarchy
ENTRY_PERMISSION core table Permissions table
ENTRY_STATE core table Entry lifecycle state (public, draft) as defined in lifecycles
EVENT_AUDIT core table Security log, users sign in activity
EVENT_MONITOR core table Security log , user actions
KOMMENT core table comments
RELATIONSHIP core table Relationship table
SENTIMENT_LIKE core table ThumbUp and Thumb down
SCHEDULER_STATISTIC core table Internal scheduler statistics
SUPERADMIN core table Super admin account andormation if non default
TM_STATE core table Time machine state. Used when prowsing time machine history
TODO core table Todo List
TODO_ACTION core table Todo Action
VOTE core table undocumented
WATCHER core table Wathers definition. Who is watching what entry
WORKFLOW_TRANSITION core table Log of lifecycle changes.



The other option to use REST API to query and access all information stored in the connect (this REST API will be released soon).



Ondrej Citek

Alteryx Connect Team

6 - Meteoroid

This is a very helpful information. I am able to create and test the ODBC connection but when I select the table from the input tool, I am not able to see any button like OK etc... to add it. All I have is top right hand corner with maximize, minimize, close buttons. Any idea what is missing?

6 - Meteoroid
Thanks a lot for your response, I can do all that but I do not have an OK button to finish it up. I have opened a support ticket yesterday but could not get any resolution yet. Please check few screenshots below, it has everything but no OK button on it. I am using the designer got installed with Server 2018.1 version.

Could you pls upload some screenshot? You should seem something like I do: in Visual Query Builder I am able to choose the table, drag and drop it on left side canvas and down there click the OK button.



6 - Meteoroid

With Taskbar UnhideWith Taskbar UnhideTurned off the taskbarTurned off the taskbarwithout_Task_Bar_On.png

I am able to figure out what was happening. My buttons were chopped up by the task bar. I have turned the taskbar off and re-configured the connection and saw the buttons now. Taskbar was forcing the popup to reduce its size and it was not adding the scrollbar to go up and down.  Added three screenshots before and after.


6 - Meteoroid

@OndrejC ,


How to ingest reports metadata into Alteryx connect's report section rather than Data sources section?


Hi @N_FirstMileAnalytics ,

if you need to ingest reports metadata you just need to use different datasets which are going to be pushed against Connect endpoints. See one of our "reporting" metadata loaders - e.g. Tableau or PowerBI for details.



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