Important Community update: The process for changing your account details was updated on June 25th. Learn how this impacts your Community experience and the actions we suggest you take to secure your account here.


Community news, customer stories, and more!
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hello Maveryx!                        


Before we race towards Q2 and Inspire, let’s take a few minutes to review some Community highlights from March.


Racing to Vegas (Source: GIPHY)


Need To Know


Your Community pit crew has been working to improve the Weekly Challenge experience, making it easier for users to filter challenges based on difficulty, subject, and certification level. You’ll even able to see which challenges you’ve already solved! Below is a preview, but this design is subject to change.


This layout is a prototype and subject to change.This layout is a prototype and subject to change.



Community News


Catch up on Community happenings from the past month below!




This just in: if you’re attending Inspire, you will have an opportunity to experience the Grand Prix like never before. That’s because you’ll have a chance to race in the Maveryx Nation to secure a spot on-site at the 15th annual Grand Prix competition! Check out this post to learn more.


You can also subscribe to the Inspire Buzz forum so that you don’t miss a post as we gear up for Inspire.


Who will lead the pack? We can't wait to see! (Source: GIPHY)


Community Engagement


We have a winner of the Ultimate Add-On Competition—congrats to the Next Wave Infinium team! Check out their Marketplace solution here, view @ilsebakker's complementary article here, and read about the full results of the competition in this blog. Thank you to everyone who voted and made this an exciting competition.


User Groups


The User Groups closed Q1 strong and are already in full motion to start a fresh quarter. Check the Meetings Calendar to register and invite your customers for upcoming meetings. If you feel you missed anything, here are the recaps. And if you have any champions to speak or support co-leading our Local User Groups, email 


Me heading to my local user group meeting (Source: GIPHY)


Read and Listen


We had a few blogs this month with calls to action for our Community members:

  • Join Alteryx Talent Alliance: The SparkED team shared about the new LinkedIn group they started to replace the Community job board. This group is for SparkED job seekers (Alteryx Core Certified) and Alteryx customers/employers. Join here!
  • It’s Time to Upgrade to Python 3.10: The Alteryx IO team informed us that in order to stay secure and compliant, we are upgrading Designer and Server to Python 3.10 for the 2024.1 release in early May. Find step-by-step instructions for upgrading here.


We also had two great podcast episodes featuring Community members:




We are excited to see what these next few months bring on the Maveryx Community. Thanks for being along for the ride, and we hope to see you in person at Inspire!


Source: GIPHY

Megan Bowers
Sr. Content Manager

Hi, I'm Megan! I am a Sr. Content Manager at Alteryx. I work to make sure our blogs and podcast have high quality, helpful, and engaging content. As a data analyst turned writer, I am passionate about making analytics & data science accessible (and fun) for all. If there is content that you think the community is missing, feel free to message me--I would love to hear about it.

Hi, I'm Megan! I am a Sr. Content Manager at Alteryx. I work to make sure our blogs and podcast have high quality, helpful, and engaging content. As a data analyst turned writer, I am passionate about making analytics & data science accessible (and fun) for all. If there is content that you think the community is missing, feel free to message me--I would love to hear about it.