Want to get involved? We're always looking for ideas and content for Weekly Challenges.
SUBMIT YOUR IDEAThe solution to this week's challenge has been posted!
@alex, although your workflow may be the same as @MarqueeCrew's, you should upload it so our system can recognize it as a solution so you can earn more badges!
One tip for a couple of our challengees for this past week, if you find yourself writing logic into your expression like '[IDFA]=[Row-1:IDFA]' or '[DeviceID]=[Row-1:DeviceID]', you are essentially writing in logic to detect when one distinct group stops and another starts. Although the logic is valid, I'm here to save you some time! You can select fields the 'Group by' to use to apply your logic. In this case, you can select DeviceID and IDFA to group by, and the expression you write will only evaluate each distinct DeviceID and IDFA grouping.
I was just looking at your solution and discovered the "group by" field. Excited to learn something new even from such a relatively small challenge!
You may not want to assume that 1) event logs will already be in chronological order 2) sorted by device id and 3) also sorted by IDFA and 4) also sorted by event name - if more than one event type exists...
You are right, thanks for pointing that out