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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAThis is the final lap in the Grand Prix series, last week’s (challenge #31) solution is posted HERE.
Here is the Scenario for this lap: Now that I know the best four locations for me to visit (from last weeks exercise), I want to estimate how much it’s going to cost for me to take an Uber to each of the sites. If I start at this hotel, and head to the northern most location and head south to visit each surf site, how many miles will I drive? If Uber is $1.10 per mile, how much will that cost me?
The objective is to: Identify the total drive distance from inspire to the northern point and work south to visit all four sites ending at the last site. Calculate the Uber estimate.
*Remember to time yourself, contestants only had about ten minutes per lap.
About 9 minutes this time...
Thanks for posting all these great fun to see what they did (and fun to learn new stuff...)
Loving these timed challenges :-) it may be worth @TaraM and @GeneR putting a time par value on each of the weekly challenges.
09:00 exactly on this one.
Same solution as provided and @jdunkerley79 except I used the spatial info component to get a simple distance answer.
Feels like a few too many tools, but it worked... Aaaaand I didn't see the whole thing about the timed challenge part (since I'm doing these Grand Prix ones out of order), soooo I'm going to go with approx. 15 minutes? :)
about 8 minutes for this one!
Not as efficient as other solutions and I went slightly over the 10 minutes..
Completed this one on my flight to San Diego!
Note: I don't have drive time data so my solution may be different to the one provided.