Want to get involved? We're always looking for ideas and content for Weekly Challenges.
SUBMIT YOUR IDEAA solution to last week's challenge can be found here.
This week's challenge was submitted by @MarqueeCrew based on this post - Thanks for your submission! Be sure to check out the accompanying blog post!
In this challenge we need to create a workflow to remove vowels from text, excluding vowels that are the first letter in a word. Y is included as a vowel for this challenge...
Arn cmpltd!
Fun little RegEx challenge to start the week! Here is my solution.
REGEX_Replace([Input Data], "\B[aeiouyAEIOUY]", "")
Here's my blog post about the original post:
I do encourage everyone to explore that blog and the original post. Please do comment along the way.
Tried with the usual formula approach I would use, and also learned something new with the regex method mentioned in original thread
Chllng Cmpltd
This is a different approach as I haven't really used Tokenize. Results matched. Reattached solution workbook with both options.