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SUBMIT YOUR IDEANew to Alteryx and Formulas have been the most challenging of my commonly-used tools. So really great practice here!
Ran in 1.3 seconds.
Assigned RecordID to each row since data was in order. Assigned "Year" based on record IDs. Modified record IDs to form 1-12 numbers. Used a static data table assigning month names for 1-12 numbers. Performed a Join on RecordID
Sharing my solution.
In situations like this using the Text tool make our life much easier. If you have option to use complex formula or Join tool + text input tool I would always suggest using the second option.
My solution attached
Using a bit of the regex skills refreshed in the last challenge and then some simple appending and joining worked well for me.
It does rely on all months being present for all years, but other than that seems fine.