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Challenge #131: Think Like a CSE... The R Error Message: cannot allocate vector of size...

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

This could be a lot of things:

Primiarily, its a sizing issue, and its running out of memory space.
Granted, it could be solved, by adding a ridiculous amount of ram- but thats not the real solution.

I would suggest an autofield - or optimised select tool prior to the tool, to ensure correct data sizes. This is because CSV files are obviously always text fields.

If we're looking at memory, add more memory by overriding the settings, and removing unnecessary tools.

Create a sample of the data, and run that through the tool instead.



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris
I did learn much for your replies and I dont have the tool set.
So I would consider this is done for me.
9 - Comet


12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar
MT Solution 131.png

9 - Comet
131 - 2.png131.png

Given the K-Centroid Cluster Analysis tool is successful run, I assume the issue is not on data type, though I would reroute the input for Append Cluster from Select rather than the data source.


Without seeing the tool itself, it's hard to know exactly what is the first thing that can be improved to deal with memory.


Given the issue is memory, for more of performance aspect, I would suggest first to standarise the data to reduce computation. As append encountered issue, likely to be the number of clustering is too high, when the tool is trying to append (join?), it may hit the issue like error for Append tool when more than 16 coming from right input.

9 - Comet

Reposting my response under my new user ID.


Some thoughts below. I'll append the note in a text file so I have something attached to my response. 

I've been doing some reading on the clustering tools - haven't had to use them yet. As I understand it, the clustering tool defines the clustering model and the append cluster tool assigns elements to the clusters. If that's the case and the tool is running out of memory because we're throwing too much at it, couldn't we just put the append tool into a batch macro and let it process the data in bite-size chunks that fit in memory? Just looked at the spoiler while writing this and sounds like I'm at least close to what the CSE came up with.
20 - Arcturus
never worked on this too before
8 - Asteroid

My solution:

11 - Bolide

Challenge #131

8 - Asteroid

The solution I found was to have the upper connection to Append cluster tool to be coming from the select tool and not the input file. That way all the correct size, names, types, and appropriate columns for further analysis are pulled through that select tool.