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Alteryx User Group | Welcome & Guidelines

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Mission Statement

Alteryx User Groups are independent volunteer organizations created for users, run by users and supported by Alteryx. Here you have an opportunity to meet locally or virtually to bring together a broad range of backgrounds so users of all skill levels can share ideas, experiences, and best practices in analytics.

User Groups are the perfect way to meet people with similar interests and truly connect around the ways that Alteryx has amplified your life both inside and outside of work. You can get involved with any user group type, including Local and Internal.

Join one or join them all; the only limitation is your own bandwidth. Getting plugged in is the first step to meeting people just like you to network, share ideas, and plan the total domination of your industry.


  • Who can attend Alteryx User Groups meeting?
    • All are welcome to attend! Whether you’re new to Alteryx or a seasoned Alteryx Addict, everyone from all skill levels are able to take away invaluable insights from like-minded peers during these User Group meetings.


  • How can I be notified about all upcoming User Groups meetings in my area?
    • To hear about upcoming meetings occurring in your area, please join the desired User Group page(s)! By joining you will be notified of all upcoming meetings and secure your spot before space runs out.
    • You may join as many Alteryx User Group pages as you wish. All meeting announcements will be posted to the relevant page by the User Group leaders.


  • Can I post on the Alteryx User Groups pages?
    • Yes! All of our User Groups members can post on their User Group page for the following items:
      1. Job listings that are Alteryx related and relevant to the region it is posted in
      2. Networking opportunities for fellow Alteryx users to connect
    • Product questions should be directed to the appropriate areas on the Community


  • What I can expect by attending an Alteryx User Group meeting?
    • Meet like-minded Alteryx peers face-to-face and build your local network during quarterly meetings
    • Hear from local users on how they’re leveraging Alteryx to alter their analytics
    • Listen to up to date product information and announcements
    • Dive into hands-on training and learn new ways to use the Alteryx platform


  • I want to participate in an Alteryx User Group! How can I lend a hand?
    • If you are interested in participating in our local User Groups by: presenting, hosting a meeting, sponsoring food/refreshments etc., please email our User Group Team:


  • I don’t see a local User Group in my area. How can I request a new Alteryx User Group in my area?
    • Please email to connect with our team. Our User Groups team will review every request and get back to applicants on whether the desired User Group can be launched in a new city/region.
      • All approved new User Groups must complete a successful 2 meetings in 6 month before being added to the User Group Directory on Community and gaining official status.
    • The team accepts also volunteers to support Regional user group which will support Alteryx users virtually within a specific region. These leaders will be tasks with coordinating quarterly 1-hour long meetings that will occur virtually. 



  • I see an Alteryx User Group on LinkedIn or Facebook but it’s not listed on Community. Why is that?


Alteryx Partner Guidelines

For our partners we have a few guidelines for participating with a User Group. See attached.



If you have questions that cannot be discussed in the Alteryx User Group page, email


Inappropriate Content

If you notice users breaching guidelines, feel free to give them guidance. If you see specific cases of abuse, rudeness or other violations, please flag them to the attention of the community team by choosing "Notify Moderator" from the message's Options menu and let us know why you feel the content is inappropriate.

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Could anyone advise how to join this group?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @jyotijyoti_dup_475 ! Great question, all you need to do is check out the User Groups landing page and select a group that best applies to you. You can join an unlimited amount of groups. 


Once you determine which group works best, you can hit the "Join" button. Once you join a group, you'll start receiving Community notifications. These notifications regard upcoming meetings, announcements, and general group communications. You'll not only have the ability to receive communication, but you'll be able to post and collaborate with your peers. 


I hope this helps! Please DM me if you have any other questions.  

5 - Atom

Hello Everyone, 

Please tell me about where can I find the Job listings that are Alteryx related and relevant to the region Bengaluru, India.





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Vijay_kant , the User Groups boards do not have a specific area for job listings but employers/users are allowed to share there. You are welcome to contact the leaders directly for assistance or start a thread.

5 - Atom
Thank you for your response. Please enlighten me on how can I identify and
contact leaders on the group.

Warm regards
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Vijay_kant , the leaders names and link to profiles should be visible in the header.