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Twin Cities, MN

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TCAUG Meetup | February 2021

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Alteryx User Groups provide an opportunity for Alteryx users to connect, share best practices, and improve skill sets that help maximize their potential with Alteryx. Whether you are a long time Alteryx user or just getting started, all are welcome to attend!


Join the TCAUG for the first meeting of the year!


When: Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM CST
Where: WebEx 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Wow, what a great meeting! Big shout out to @elsastark for that very interesting and informative presentation on Hub and Spoke model COEs and @Nick612Haylund for how to prepare for the Core Exam. I felt inspired to try and attempted passing (I mentioned during the meeting I failed miserably and by miserably I got a 44%. In my defense! I'm not an analyst by trade. 😁). 


And as always big props to your fabulous MC @BradWerner . Guys, he's so great, give him some love. I always look forward to seeing him engage with the group. 


It would be super helpful to the leaders if everyone who attended take 5 minutes and fill out this survey:


Thanks all and looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting! And if there is anything you want the group to focus on for the next one, go ahead and reply to this post!

5 - Atom

Thank you everyone for the great presentation! As a newbie to Alteryx, this was super helpful!  Is there a way to get a copy of the slides that were shared for the COE hub and spoke model? 



Thank you! 


10 - Fireball

Hi @lw6245 - Here are my slides from our meeting!

7 - Meteor

I wasn't able to attend the meeting.  Is there a recording that I can watch?

11 - Bolide

Sorry you couldn't make it!

Yes, we should have the recording posted here in the next few days or early next week.

11 - Bolide

Hi @Heidi__dup_127, wouldn't you know it, the recording just came in!



Let me know if you have any trouble viewing it.

Thank you!


7 - Meteor

