Hello Family,
I cannot even remember when I began this journey, that is how long it has been. I have been your User Group Leader for St. Louis since circa 2017. That's roughly 5 years of trying my best to support you - through certifications, through up-skilling, through job postings, through being a fellow analyst just trying to maximize their awesomeness. And it has been a wild ride. I have made friends that would have been impossible to make otherwise. Furthermore, I never considered myself to be the best at Alteryx, as so many amazing Alteryxcians (Alteryx Magicians) remind me that I have only scratched the surface of this amazing tool. All of this is what makes this post (and this choice) one of the hardest ones I have had to make.
As of the end of 2022, I will no longer be your St. Louis user group leader. I will still be in the community and supporting you, but I will do that as just another Alteryx enthusiast as opposed to the person running the show. You have made this community worthwhile, I just tried to bring as many people and ideas together as I could. I hope that you all got as much joy and information out of our UG meetings as I did. My only ask is that you keep this community going. Keep showing up. Keep asking questions. Stay curious. And if the bug bites you - try to lead this community to an even better place than I did!
Thank you all!