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St. Louis, MO

Welcome to the St. Louis User Group

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STL AUG Roll Call!

11 - Bolide

Hi Everybody!


   I just wanted to check-in with everyone and see how you all are doing? Let's do a little roll call! If you're new to the STL AUG or haven't posted on here before, please reply below letting us know some basics:


  • Name (doesn't have to be full name):
  • Company:
  • How long you have been using Alteryx:
  • What you're looking to learn or do with Alteryx and the Community:
  • Bonus! What are some social media handles you use that others can contact you on?


At each meeting, we can get to know each other better, of course, but this is a nice way to see everyone's background before then! :-)


Also, if you have co-workers or friends that use Alteryx, make sure to refer them to this community page as we will post some STL-specific ideas, workflows, etc. They can keep adding to our reply list below!


Let's see where everyone's from!




11 - Bolide

I'll go ahead and kick things off:


  • Name: Andrew
  • Company: Schnuck Markets, Inc
  • How long you have been using Alteryx: Almost a year and a half
  • What you're looking to learn or do with Alteryx and the Community: Meet like-minded people and enhance my data science skills
  • Bonus! What are some social media handles you use that others can contact you on? Twitter @andrewderbak 


7 - Meteor
  • Name (doesn't have to be full name): Jared
  • Company: Express Scripts
  • How long you have been using Alteryx: 2 years
  • What you're looking to learn or do with Alteryx and the Community: Researching problems, sharing techniques
6 - Meteoroid
  • Name: Sean
  • Company: Schnuck Markets, Inc
  • How long you have been using Alteryx: Since March 2017
  • What you're looking to learn or do with Alteryx and the Community: Share techniques and see how others are using Alteryx
11 - Bolide

Hi Everyone!!

Name: Alya

Company: Charter Communications

How long have you been using Alteryx: since Jan 2018

What i'm looking to learn or do with Alteryx + Community: other use cases, networking with local Alteryx users, learn anything I can from everyone :)


6 - Meteoroid


  • Name (doesn't have to be full name):Brian Schindler
  • Company: MetLife
  • How long you have been using Alteryx: About 7 months
  • What you're looking to learn or do with Alteryx and the Community: Gain any knowledge I can about Alteryx.  See how others are utilizing Alteryx to foster ideas on ways my department might use it.
  • Bonus! What are some social media handles you use that others can contact you on?  Twitter @BSchindler_6