St. Louis, MO

Welcome to the St. Louis User Group

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Check In/Call for speakers!

11 - Bolide

Hi Everyone!


It's been a crazy busy month and I hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying this beautiful weather we've had!

Just checking in with everyone - I know you all must have some great Alteryx use cases you've solved in the last month so and want to share your story?? Calling all speakers for the next AUG meeting TBD in October (mid/end) feel free to reach out to @ADerbak @Treyson@DavidVelleca or myself or even just let us know what your interested in hearing about - we want to keep it as relevant to you as possible so let us know what you are curious about.


As always don't forget to check out the Events page to join in on all the Virtual User Group meetings that are going on around the world 🙂