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St. Louis, MO

Welcome to the St. Louis User Group

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Next STL AUG Meeting - August 26th, 2020!!!

11 - Bolide

Attention Friends!


    Your User Group Leaders are back at it again with another chance to connect and learn more about Alteryx. This time, we will be talkin' shop with some Tool Mastery, talkin' internal UG's with Alya ( @Derangedvisions ) , and we have special guest Salman Abuljadayel ( @salx95 ) talkin' Alteryx Apps! 


10:30 AM - 10:35 AM
10:35 AM - 10:45 AM
Tool Mastery w/ Andrew Derbak
10:45 AM - 11:05 AM
Internal User Groups w/ Alya Steward
11:05 AM - 11:15 AM
UG Fun Time
11:15 PM - 11:45 PM
Alteryx Apps w/ Salman Abuljadayel
11:45 PM - 12:00 PM


Please register using the link below:


As always, we are very much looking forward to chatting and learning with all of you! We also welcome your ideas and feedback - if anyone has ideas for the next UG meeting or would even like to present, please reach out to me or any of your User Group Leaders ( @DavidVelleca , @Derangedvisions , @Treyson ) .


Thank you and see you in a week!
