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Q1 2023 UG - Alteryx Analytics Cloud

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Published on ‎02-06-2023 07:45 AM by | Updated on ‎02-06-2023 07:46 AM

It's time to enable intelligent decisions and automate analytics at scale with Alteryx Analytics Cloud and who better to give us the low-down on all things Alteryx Cloud than the one and only Josh Burkhow (@JoshuaB)




Josh needs no introduction but the UG format dictates that he gets one anyway so here goes: Josh is:

  • ACE Emeritus
  • Alteryx's Chief Evangelist
  • Former Marine
  • Author
  • Keynote Speaker

We're hosting one last virtual UG before (all being well) we attempt hybrid for Q2.  For Q1 we'll be hosting the UG on Zoom.


It'll be a UG not to miss and we hope to see you all there!

Featured Guests
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora


Event has ended
You can no longer attend this event.

Fri, Mar 17, 2023 09:00 AM PDT
Fri, Mar 17, 2023 10:30 AM PDT
Labels (1)
8 - Asteroid

Why do I get caught out by the time zone EVERY SINGLE TIME? 😂


Because no-one in their right mind would set the details of a user group meeting in the NE of the UK in PDT?

I believe it is for folks like myself that can't do datetimeadd in our heads. I find it rather convenient (as it is my time zone) 😁

Are we having fun yet?

Don't lie, @Jeff_Neklason - I know you've been doing datetime functions in your head for years!  🤣

@Shifty I prefer to say out loud, usually to an empty room, "It's 4 in the afternoon, I wonder what time it is in Durham?! Oh well, I will message @mceleavey 10 useless gifs regardless" 

Are we having fun yet?

@Jeff_Neklason , there is no such thing as a useless gif. 


12 - Quasar

@Paul_Holden @CatheyH - we're crazy but there's a line!  🤣

It was more a dig at the site not allowing for a timezone for the meeting !

I see that it's showing as GMT:


Do you not see that?  Can you share what it shows from your perspective as an attendee because if it's missing timezone that is NFFP!

Maybe something I need to set in my profile then?




Yep, in my defence it's buried pretty deep :(




Updated and event now shows in GMT.

Defence accepted. 😁

...and obviously should default to GMT ;)


12 - Quasar

Ahhhh.... yeah, I think that must be it.  If you go to your Community Settings page by clicking on your name in the top right you should be able to change it:




7 - Meteor

Will this be recorded

Yes, @munchkin100 and if you're signed up to the session you should get notified when the recording is available.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora
8 - Asteroid

I have been booted out of Zoom .  Pl

s can someone invite me back in?