Join the Alteryx Community’s Maveryx Summer Cup event! Compete, network with others, and earn your gold through a series of challenges from July 24th to August 11th. Learn more about the event here.

Inspire | Buzz

Ask questions, connect with other conference attendees, and share your experience.

Inspire 2023 Schedule

10 - Fireball

Hi Everyone,


I'm planning a user group dinner for Inspire 2023 -- I remember in past years there was one night where we were on our own and would like to schedule it for that night. I can't find anywhere on the schedule where meals are or aren't provided - does anyone know if this information is available somewhere?



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



You can see the high level event agenda on this page - Wednesday May 24th is an open evening for any activities you would like to do on your own. I have also included an agenda snapshot below for reference. 


Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with!