I'm having trouble getting pycharm to recognize AlteryxPythonSDK.pyd and dll and therefore allowing type assist and compilation.
I've tried adding external paths to interpreter, putting these libraries in the minicondas dlls and lib\site-packages directories.
Any success out there?
Adding /bin and /bin/Plugins to the system path, in combination with adding both to the interpreter paths, seems to do it.
FWIW, lower level methods still do not resolve.
Which lower level methods?
What are all the environment paths that we need to have set up? I've added /bin and /bin/Plugins, but that hasn't resolved my issue. I still can't import AlteryxPythonSDK.
Are you configuring PyCharm to use the python.exe that ships with Alteryx?
Yes, that way I know which packages I need to add.
I think @wthompson may be able to help you here.
I have not configured my community version of PyCharm to use Alteryx\bin\Miniconda\python.exe interpreter. I will try that and configure the paths to the AlteryxPythonSDK and post a follow-up here. It seems that you are pretty close, though.
To configure PyCharm to import AlteryxADK, I did the following:
1. Add a new Python interpreter 'Alteryx Python 3.6' and set to 'C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda3\python.exe'
2. Add 'C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin' and 'C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Plugins' to Settings Interpreter Paths
3. Add a new configuration and set Python interpreter to 'Alteryx Python 3.6' and set Working directory to 'C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin'
Does the intellisense/autocomplete work in pycharm for The AlteryxPythonSDK? Code runs but intellisense doesn't work.