Dev Space

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Posting tools to the public gallery - work around inside

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
If you have custom tools linked in an app on, an update in 2018.3 may affect your stub app in the Alteryx Gallery.
Stub apps output a pcxml file containing links to your installer. The Render tool configuration option under Report Data > Data Field checks for valid XML. It will cause an error if the selected text field is not wrapped within an XML node.
Our stub apps use the Text Data field of the Report Text tool to send into the Render tool above. If you are following this pattern, and to ensure the app renders correctly, wrap everything with a div element. A div tag is recommended, since the other two options automatically does the same. The app should now render correctly when it runs on the Gallery or in Designer. Once this defect is resolved, your app will not require this manual div tag wrap. 
Big thanks to @RithiS for pulling this information together.