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Command line install of YXI files?

14 - Magnetar


I did a little bit of searching for this, but I didn't really come up with much.

Is there a way to use a packaged .yxi tool and do a command line installation of that tool for many users?


I'm only just starting to explore the python and html sdks, but I want to make sure I have a good idea of an implementation plan/roadmap if this is successful.

I foresee cases where a custom tool is developed and we want to install it for 20+ users.  Rather than having each user manually open and install the file, and troubleshooting for each of them (which could also become challenging if we want to deploy an enhancement to a tool in the future), I'm hoping there is a way to complete this install action automatically for users.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

This functionality does not yet exist - I'd suggest you add the idea, because it's a good one.


If the YXI in question is macro-based, it wouldn't be difficult to create a batch script to do this as we're simply unzipping the contents to either C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools (user) or C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Tools (all users). If the YXI is a Python tool, it would be trickier because you'd have to deal with creating a virtual environment and installing dependencies.


14 - Magnetar



I'm definitely considering this largely with relation to Python SDK tools - I think that there are a few methods for effective Macro deployment available today.




I just would like to share "how to instal Python tool manually" from @William Thompson

1. Unzip file contents (including any subfolders) to target directory.

a. The target directory will depend on whether the install is running elevated or not, c:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Tools is the elevated user root and c:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools is for non-elevated user root.

2. Run Python to install a virtual environment in the tool path.

a. C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda\Python.exe -m venv %TOOL_INSTALL_PATH%

3. Upgrade pip and setuptools in tools virtual environment.

a. %TOOL_INSTALL_PATH%\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install –upgrade pip setuptools

4. Install tool dependencies.

a. %TOOL_INSTALL_PATH%\Scripts\pip install -r requirements.txt –log PythonDependencyInstall.log