Column Name to Excel Column Name Macro
- By Calvin Tang
What is it?
All Excel users know that the standard column names are A, B, C, D, E etc. Once the alphabets end at Z, the new column at 27 will be AA, AB, AC, and so on so forth. Right now with Alteryx, most fields follow the name of the first row - or if none, it will follow either "F" + Column Number or "Field_" + Column Number.
Why is it useful?
Sometimes, a workflow requires to be checked against a different source that is calculated by a different team who may not be using Alteryx or may be doing it the old fashioned way. Some values are logged into fix columns and rows within standard Excel templates. It is much easier to fetch out said value via Column Name and Row ID. The Row ID portion can be solved fairly easily and dynamically, but sometimes the Columns are not standardized with proper naming or too lengthy or too dynamic or even non-existent! It is much easier to see the Excel, identify the Column name - Alphabet in this case, and fetch it out on Alteryx for further analysis. This tool does that - converts ALL columns from "F" or "Field_" into standard Excel column names like A B C D etc.
Feedback is most appreciated! Let me know if it works or if you wish to add more requirements!