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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

The US Cellular Engineering group (represented by 250 people in the Chicago area) is having their yearly picnic. Being recent Alteryx customers, they asked if we would sponsor one of four softball teams, made up of US Cellular associates, competing for prizes at the event. The team that Alteryx sponsored, which is being lead by Zuany Geiger--the director of GIS services for US Cellular, won the first round game by a landslide with a score of 17 to 12. Unfortunately, the Alteryx-sponsored team lost their second game, and fell out of the running for the grand prize.


Alteryx was happy to be invited to support this important team-building experience at US Cellular. Kim Hands and Chuck McMurray had a chance to mingle, eat and drink with some of the executive leadership of the RF Engineering team--a group that has been quick to see the value of Alteryx in analyzing equipment, network and capacity data. Thank you, US Cellular, for letting us join you at this festive occassion!


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