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Saving output files in a designated folder

11 - Bolide

Hi all,


I have developed an Alteryx workflow, which generated multiple output files. I want to save those files, in a designated folder, using workflow on Alteryx server. Its' very easy to do on Alteryx desktop application, simply by adding a folder browse tool in analytic app.


Can there be any way to do it ?


Thanks in advance.


8 - Asteroid

Hi Kamran


I'm looking for the same, need assistance while saving the output in the designated folder.

11 - Bolide

It does not look possible, so far. 

9 - Comet

Hi @Kamran1991 ,


Where does the folder exist that you want to use?

Is it on a shared location that Alteryx can access? If yes then, yes we can do what you are asking.


if the folder is in local system of the user, then I’m afraid that may not be possible.