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Run command "xcopy" return an error code:4

6 - Meteoroid

I wrote an .bat file and run command to copy all the files from one directory to another folder (I used xcopy command), which run successfully on Alteryx Designer. But when I upload it onto server, I received an error message "The external program "xxxxx xcopy.bat" returned an error code: 4 (Tool Id: 63)". Please help. Or any other way to do this?

19 - Altair

xcopy.bat or xcopy.exe? xcopy.exe would be on a different location on server than your local machine. Your .bat file is probably looking for it in your local machine's location.



17 - Castor

To add-on, are the folders you're trying to manipulate accessible by the server? Are there permissions for the server to execute commands? I had to work with IT for both of these things when setting up commands on the server. 

6 - Meteoroid

The server definitely have the highest level of permissions. I do not know why it happens like this. But I have temporarily solved it by using the blob input and output tool instead of writing xcopy.bat.


@xihan - It is also worth checking Run As settings. As the user, which runs the Alteryx Server service may not have all necessary permissions:
