I have a workflow which is using run command tool like this:
.bat file looks like this:
.vbs file looks like this:
And the macro in the .xlsm file
This workflow is using macro to combine all excel files to one file.
When I run it locally then everything is working cool. But when I ran it via gallery, the workflow create the result file everything is looking good, but the workflow is on the "running" status and it is not finishing.
Do you have any ideas why ?
Thanks !
Are your arguments hard-coded in the BAT file, and repeated again in the Run command field for Command Arguments (optional)?
When I was trying to run a Powershell script from the After Run event, the two tips below helped me. I know you're trying to run VBS, but maybe try:
Working Directory [Optional]: leave this value blank, to avoid an error
One of these instructions is correct, can't remember which one:
1) For all folder paths: If you are using a UNC path (beginning with \\), use “\\?\” instead of “\\”, like this: