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MongoDB Output wiped Gallery - HELP

11 - Bolide



I just wiped our company's entire Gallery by accidentally running the MongoDB Output tool with "Delete Data & Append" selected for the output option on the AlteryxGallery.appInfos collection.  The other collections still have data, schedules are running fine etc., but there is nothing showing in the Gallery because this entire object was cleared with a mistake that was WAY too easy to make.


  • Are there automatic MongoDB backups anywhere? If so, how can I mongorestore them?
    1. We haven't created a server backup process yet
  • I have a copy of the gallery content from appsInfo from about a month ago, but cannot for the life of me get it loaded into the collection using the "Append Existing" option.
    • Even if I could, would it "restore" the gallery or would it just create a bunch of apps with new index keys that no longer link to their corresponding content from other collections?

Any suggestions??



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Coxta45Unfortunately, without a good backup of the database from before the deleting of the AppInfo collection recovery will be extremely difficult if not impossible. Usually in this situation I would recommend restoring from a backup. Since you do have a old copy of that collection you might be able to recover some of the data restoring it, but this might be more trouble then its worth. Due to the data's age it is highly likely that a lot of it is out of sync with the current configuration. So even if you could get it loaded the older workflow reference may not be there any more, version information might be missing, and collections might reference workflows that arn't present in that data, etc...


Please note that we do not configure a backup process automatically with the server. This is left up to the servers administrators to determine the best process to meet their companies backup and recovery procedures. We do have a 2 part knowledge article that discusses recommended best practices and procedures for performing a backup and restoration. You can find the article at:


Alteryx Serve -Backup & Recovery Part 1: Best Practices

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