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Image Template Plugin error Alteryx Gallery/Server

6 - Meteoroid



Since updating Alteryx designer on our server to 2023.3.1.247 and Alteryx Intelligence suite to we have started getting a plugin error when running any workflows that use the Image template tool via the gallery. 


When running the workflow locally (both on the servers designer and my computer) the workflow completes fine. All the workflows were running fine when we were on version 2022.3.1.486 and has only started erroring since upgrading.


Any ideas what could be causing this?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Connor_Baines ,


You did all the proper tests to identify the issue and since it is working on your server`s designer and it is a brand new server release, I do believe this could be a bug.


I would suggest you register this in your case portal explaining your scenario so Alteryx can reproduce by itself and verify if it is a bug or not.



Fernando Vizcaino

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks @fmvizcaino


Will give that a go.



6 - Meteoroid

Hi - did this get resolved? We are running into the same issue. 


6 - Meteoroid

Hi @mpeterson27 We found that if we selcted 'Use AMP Engine' and then saved the workflow this appeared to resolve the issue. Not sure why this would make a diference as  was never required on previous designer versions but it resolved the issue for us on 2023.3


Below is hown to enable AMP if you havent used it before


  1. Select a point on the white space of the canvas to display the Workflow - Configuration window.

  2. Go to the Workflow - Configuration window and select the Runtime tab.

  3. Select the Use AMP Engine check box.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Connor - We have had similar issues in the past, so we always make sure to have AMP engine on (I was in the habit of turning it off because of the issues it would to cause. Have since reverted to trying to use it for all Workflows)

We had AMP engine enabled. Essentially the template tool is not reading in the PDF or JSON (for annotations/bounds) when it is on server. We troubleshooted using the normal "does server have access to those files or are the files in some way embedded in the workflow" and still no dice. 

What I ended up doing was actually editing the "annotations [bounds]" within the XML editor of the imagine template tool. I took the text for the "bounds" property from the JSON file and pasted it directly into the XML of the template tool. It looks like when pushing to server, it was trunkating some of the bounds, or not accessing the full file, or something along those lines. 

In additional, I changed dependencies to absolute (was on UNC). 

Not sure which one exactly fixed it, but it looks like it is working properly now.


It should be noted that we had several image template tools that the user selects via drop down - the first image template always worked on server, but the following did not. So, our issue was caused by multiple Image Template tools - meaning it might have been different from yours but sharing this none the less in case it is useful to anyone else.