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Clear File Browse - Recent Compatible Files

5 - Atom

Hello Community,


We have some workflows with a File Browse process.


When using the workflow on the Gallery, the list of files in the file browser is always increasing.


How can we delete this cache?


Incognito mode doesn't help - not related with browser cache.


in REGEDIT I already searched for ...SRC\Alteryx\10.0\MRU and cleared the entries there...but the cache remains.


Many thanks for your help in advance.


2023-04-11 10_56_00-Gallery.jpg

17 - Castor
17 - Castor



Two more places to look.

  1. Alteryx Server system settings > Controller > Persistence
    1. Here you can configure the period to keep the files
    2. fmvizcaino_0-1681227601148.png


  2. MongoDB AlteryxService DB > AS_QueueInputs collection
    1. Here you have access to all files from all applications (not advisable to remove)
    2. fmvizcaino_1-1681227751888.png


Best regards,

Fernando Vizcaino


5 - Atom

Many thanks Fernando!

The first option did the trick to solve the problem.


Best Regards,
