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All my Private Studio Workflows transferred to No Name studio


Hi All,


I have a issue in my gallery, we are using windows Authentication for gallery(Server), In Subscription by default there is No Name Studio(I changed Contact name  to ( company name).  

1. With Curiosity, I replaced my Private Studio key with  No name Private studio key in users(Admin page), even after that i'm able to see all my workflows in my private studio. But when I replaced with my Private Studio key in my Private Studio key Section ( in users tab -> clicking on my name -> at bottom ).

After doing all this, there is no workflow in my private studio, so i checked in workflow section in Admin tab. I can see all my workflows but mapped to No Name studio(company name studio). All my workflows copied to No name Studio, have no idea how this happened.

2. Other Question as well, I didn't add any user as Member to No Name Studio, but 6 other users added to No name Studio  as members, have no clue why this happening ( is this natural with windows Authentication ?)


Can any one please help me with this.

Thanks in Advance

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@pk1 Both of the behaviors/scenarios you are inquiring about are normal expected circumstances. I will do my best to explain them both to you.


1. Officially there isn't any functionality currently available to move workflows between studio's/subscriptions. However, the development team did see a need to be able to do this in some circumstances. As such there is an unofficial function that will move the workflows given very specific criteria which based on your provided information was meet when you moved yourself to the No Name studio/subscription. Typically the scenario would never be encountered by a user, but it does come up occasionally. Specifically the following most be true for this to occur.


  • The users current subscription must be set to free
  • The subscription they are moving to must be set to paid and not expired
  • The initial subscription must be empty after the user is moved
  • The user must be moved by manually updating the subscription/studio key in the users profile (in Admin panel user's section or from the User's settings). Using the Add Artisan button in the subscription settings will not trigger the workflow move.

If all of the above conditions are met when the user is moved then all workflows in the subscription will also be moved. The process is not reversible as the workflows will be merged into the existing studio, and this process is all or nothing so there is no way to split the workflows back out. You could repeat the above to move all workflows in the No Name studio to your studio, but this would require emptying the studio of all users (excluding you), changing the subscription to free, setting your subscription to paid, then moving you back to your subscription. This process will likely break things though since it would significantly modify the No Name subscription and its members (see question 2). 


2. The No Name subscription/studio is a default subscription used with Windows Authentication. By default all users that are not artisans or curators when their accounts are created will be automatically added to this subscription as a member. This is done to allow those users to run workflows shared with them without having to have studio owners manually grant memberships to users. We have seen this studio get deleted by an curator who didn't realize its importance. Deleting or modifying this subscription can and frequently does cause various issues with users. Typically the issues manifest as login failures with errors in the Gallery logs indicating that the login failed because the user's subscription is missing. Another issue that can occur (if the login doesn't fail) is that users that are not artisans or curators will lose the ability to run workflows. In most cases when this occurs we recreate the No Name subscription in the Mongo database with the same information it is created with by default. This typically resolves the login failures, but some users may still encounter issues running the workflows. These users would have to be added to a subscription as a member.


 Thanks for the information  @KevinP


As we don't have much important workflows on gallery right now ( As of now we are only creating POC's, no one in our company published, only myself published few workflows to gallery(testing) but no problem i have local copies).  Is that better to uninstall it and install again? 

So from next time we can make sure not to touch no name studio( but by default i can see 10 artisans and 10 members, will that member passes number automatically increase if i add more than 10 users to our gallery as viewers), or do i have to manually update the number).


no name.PNG


 Thanks for the information @KevinP


As we don't have much important workflows on gallery right now ( As of now we are only creating POC's, no one in our company published, only myself published few workflows to gallery(testing) but no problem i have local copies).  Is that better to uninstall it and install again? 

So from next time we can make sure not to touch no name studio( but by default i can see 10 artisans and 10 members, will that member passes number automatically increase if i add more than 10 users to our gallery as viewers), or do i have to manually update the number).


no name.PNG

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@pk1 You don't need to reinstall to start over, and in some cases reinstalling will result in the exact same data/configuration if the config files and database are left in place. The quicker and easier option to start the server over would be to remove/rename your persistence folder. By default this is C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Service\Persistence\MongoDB. To start over just rename the MongoDB folder to MongoDB_Backup or remove the folder. Make sure you shutdown the service first. When you restart the service after renaming/removing it the folder will be recreated with a blank database. As for the seat limits on the No Name subscription these are effectively ignored. They are only set because these variables must have a value.



Hi @KevinP 

Did as same as you instructed,

Stopped the Alteryx Service -> renamed the MongoDB folder -> started the Service,  now i couldn't access our gallery link from my desktop