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Access Denied (ToolId: -1) for other users of Gallery app

11 - Bolide

I published an analytical app on our Gallery, and this is what it does:


  1. The app takes an Excel file from the user thru the File Browse tool. It has multiple sheets with the same set of columns (Product Name, Date, Price).
  2. The app fetches the sheet names thru the Dynamic Input tool. We are not hard-coding the sheet names in the app because there is no guarantee that the user will not change them.
  3. The app concatenates the Excel file path and the sheet names (e.g. "FileName.xlsx|||SomeSheetName") into what I call a "full path". We now have a list of full paths, maybe seven or more of them.
  4. The app passes the concatenated full paths to a batch macro that fetches the actual data thru a Dynamic Input tool. I tried just using the Dynamic Input in the main workflow but I kept encountering errors about the schema not matching the 1st file. Since there is no guarantee that my users will properly clean up their Excel file prior to the upload, I can't go with that solution, hence the batch macro.
  5. The app writes the fetched data to an Oracle database.


My problem is that this Gallery app works perfectly for me, but all other users get an "Access denied. (ToolId: -1)" error.


Some notes:

  • I embedded the batch macro into the analytical app, but the error persists.
  • The Alteryx Server machine is running on an OS that is logged under my credentials.
  • I think this might be some problematic issue with the Dynamic Input inside the batch macro. I have other Gallery apps that are working perfectly with batch macros, but this is our first Gallery app that accepts the file thru the File Browse tool in the main app then just passes the file path to a Dynamic Input inside a batch macro.


Please advise. Thanks a lot for any help.

11 - Bolide

I managed to get around the issue by modifying Step 4: Inside the batch macro, I swapped out the Dynamic Input tool for a simple Input Data tool. Now, the entire app is working perfectly.