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workflow - day count using dates excluding weekends

8 - Asteroid

Hi all, 


I am having some issues with my workflow. I am trying to get the count the number of days excluding weekdays with the full set of data as shown below from 2 excels. I am using Yesterday's date minus T-Date to get the counts. I am able to get the count but it seems to be off as the calculations seems to be wrong and the ID seems to be jumbled up as well. Is there any walk around for this ? Thank you!


Example of my workflow as below:



Final Output I am expecting should be somewhere along these lines :




Thank you!


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @gavinloi 


Your workflow seems okay to me only concern i could see is in generate rows tool. If you want days from T-date to yesterday's date the condition should be



Instead of DateBetween <=[Today's Date]


I am aware that numbers are not completely tallying with your expected output screenshot. I want to understand how to go those numbers.


And what exactly is the issue ?


Hope this helps : )


8 - Asteroid

Hi @atcodedog05, many thanks for the prompt reply. I would require the difference from yesterday's date to T-date excluding weekends (let me test out the condition you provided in abit).


Currently the issue I'm facing is that if I'm only using the dates without "Name in my workflow", I would be able to generate the correct day counts however if I include "Names" in the workflow, the workflow seems to go haywire. So i'm not sure if its due to the way the summarize reads the data.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @gavinloi 


I am able to identify a concern. ID 10 has been repeated and might be possible IDs might be repeated.The suggestion is to use record id tool to keep track of each rows. Please refer to the below snapshot.





Hope this helps : )

