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web address needs to have query updated with number from file MACRO

7 - Meteor

I have a good many web addresses that need various ID #'s replaced dynamically based on ID's in various yxdb files created from a the macro setup page..


i.e. we address


the values available from the document are








I want to use the action tool via a macro to update the "xxxneedsupdating" section and be able to connect the file... problem is, 


neither the macro input nor the input data tool connect to the action tool


does anyone have a solution for this?

19 - Altair

control parameter. you want to use a batch macro.

7 - Meteor



thats a great start... however, i dont want to use a text input tool.. so how do i get the values where they can update the address>?

19 - Altair

control panel to action tool - action tool to wherever you want - text input if you want to stage it - download tool if you want to hard code it and change it directly. I personally would throw the standard endpoint in an text input and have my action tool update the text input.

7 - Meteor

my only issue with these tools is they would all be manual... i agree with the updating the text input but the values will always be changing.. which means I would have to manually update the values  trying to stay away from manual updating

19 - Altair

sorry - not following you. You have the action tool update the text input. you have the text input go into the download tool (assuming you are running api logic or whatever). you process as needed. you save.

you then take your main workflow where you have the data you want to use to dynamically update. you drop the macro you just built on the canvas. you attach your main data into the macro questionmarky thing. you set the field you want to use to update. you run. it updates. there isn't anything manual.

7 - Meteor

working through that now, thanks for the detail description... sorry im a very visual person... so a little slow at times.

7 - Meteor

the point i get confused at is... what is updating the action tools? you have to attach something to them.. and you have to build out all of the id fields that go into the url's... and there are roughly 5-6 url's.. and roughly 6 different id differentiators.. 


and some of the url's have multiple id's assigned. 
