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share password across the workflows to avoid password change every few months

8 - Asteroid

Hi all:


We use different platforms/DBs in our organization. The password gets reset every 90 days and every time I need to update password for input nodes individually. There are many workflows and each of those has many input nodes. Then change and publish again for automated workflows.


So, changing passwords for all is time consuming and hectic.


Is there a way to write password in a single place and share across workflows i.e. when DB password gets reset, I'll make change in one place only?



16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

hi @tanvir_khan 

Have you ever tried Data Connection Manager(DCM)? Even if password of DB is changed, you just have to update the Credential information linked to those Data Sources. Please refer to the below article.

8 - Asteroid

Hi @gawa, very helpful info indeed.

Let me explain my understanding. First, I've configured below connection strings Options > Advanced Options > Manage Data Connections > Add Connections

Options > Advanced Options > Manage Data ConnectionsOptions > Advanced Options > Manage Data Connections


Then, for each input node Connect a file or Database > Saved; I picked the connections from here or the strings from MDC.

Input Node > Connect a File or Database > SavedInput Node > Connect a File or Database > Saved 

For test, I've configured few inputs and then changed the password [wrong password] from Data Connection and all the inputs failed. Again, I supplied correct password thru Data Connection and all nodes worked. Seems I don't need to change each input node manually.


Now, my question to you - is this the right way to configure DB connections in Alteryx centrally or there's more standard practice available? The article explained about Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings > DCM. I didn't understand the role of DCM and SDK. Are those something which help to publish new credentials to gallery? It'd be really helpful if it's possible to show me with an example. 


Thanks again for your help! 

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

@tanvir_khan I see, you tried to set up Data Connections, that is different from DCM, though their terms are similar.

To set up DCM, go to File=>Manage Connection then you will see this pop-up


8 - Asteroid

Hi @gawa 


thanks. I think we're using different versions as I can't see that window on my desktop.


my versionmy version

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

@tanvir_khan Is it? As far as I remember, DCM has been available since 2021.4 so your version 2022.1 also has it.

Can you make sure if you can see  File=>Manage Connection?


16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

@tanvir_khan Now I see your issue. DCM is not enabled as default, so you need to make it enable by yourself. Please follow the instruction in the below article.


19 - Altair

@gawa - doesn't @tanvir_khan need Server to use DCM? 

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

@apathetichell We can use DCM without Server. It is just a matter of Synchronizing it with the Server or not. 

And, I assumed that those WF are shared on the Server, but it might be that case, I can suggest the workaround that is NOT a secured way.


1) Create standard Macro that contains only Input tool, that has embedded credentials(username/password) to DB.


2) Share those Macros on the shared folder of network drive where your colleague can access


3) For each WFs, put those Macros instead of Input tools


By doing so, your colleague can run those WF, and you just have to do maintenance on those Macros even when credential information is updated.

But, I insist again that this is NOT secured way, and I never recommend to use especially for a large organization.

(Imagine you left your house key at public place, and your house address is engraved on that key)


8 - Asteroid

Hi @gawa 


Thank you so much for your help.

I enabled this option earlier User Setting > DCM but didn't understand what changes it made on my desktop. Now I can see Manage Connection under File menu. Really appreciate it mate.


