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run date, datetimetoday() appending date to tab not to file name

8 - Asteroid



I am trying to create the output of the file to have the date the file is run with the date the workflow is run and currently it is appending the datetimetoday() the workflow is run to the tab not to the file,  How do i get the file to have the date added to it but not the tab

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Use a Formula tool right before the output to essentially create the file path you want - i.e. "./unique daily rec test "+DateTimeToday()+".xlsx|||summary"


Then the Output Data will be configured to "Change Entire File Path" - it'll look similar to this: Solved: Dynamic output filename - Alteryx Community

8 - Asteroid

i got the file name to save with the date but now it is going to the wrong folder


current path it is saving to is in screen shot


want it to be saved to \OPs Initiatives\Alteryx\daily reconciliation export.xlsx|||data

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Ok then change it to that folder! I just did a default relative path assuming you'd want it saved in the same place as the workflow. Based on your path above:


"\OPs Initiatives\Alteryx\daily reconciliation export - "+DateTimeToday()+".xlsx|||data"
