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"Read only" files output issue

5 - Atom



Myself and some of my team members have similar issue with the opening Excel 365 ProPlus after we ran the module. The files show as "Read Only". Also if I decide to run the module one more time, it cannot access Output file, knowing that noone else have this open. We didn't have this problem with an old Excel, but it only started when we updated to the new 365 ProPlus version. Please help to resolve. I am able to access the file next day after I ran it but not right away.


Thank you,



19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @yuliya_naumenko 


Can you post an image of the configuration of your Output tool?  I ask because Alteryx can't save directly to the cloud where your O365 Excel file will end up.  There must be some back-end process(One-Drive?) that synchronizes the local and cloud copy.





5 - Atom



5 - Atom

Hi Dan,


I am not sure what to answer regarding the cloud- the file is saved on the server, that also back up on One Drive I believe. But this problem does not occur with all the files, seems that they may be the ones with Macros...

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @yuliya_naumenko ,


so it seems, Alteryx writes to a local network drive. I assume, you try to open this file (and not a copy on OneDrive)? Could you provide the message you receive opening the file? Did you already try to change the output folder in Alteryx to a local drive (e.g. C:)? 





5 - Atom

Hi Roland,


I was testing so many different ways to output the files- changed format, renamed etc. Nothing helps. So it does open as "Read Only" after the run only when the file saved on our network drive. When I output it to my Documents (One-drive) - have no issues. Do you know where the issue is coming from?


Thank you,



6 - Meteoroid

Hello Yuliya,


Mi name is Mikel and I´m currently working on some project involving Alteryx in my job.


I would like to ask you if you got any answer or solution to your problem, because it happens that I´m facing exactly the same problem right now and I do not know how to solve it


I would be really glad if you can share with me any solution if you finally got one


thank you very much and kind regards



I have a similar issue. I find that local runs of Alteryx may produce corrupted .xlsx outputs if Excel 365 is currently running on my machine.


Details: Running Alteryx Designer version 2020.2.3.27789

Since I switched to Office 365, some of my Alteryx .xlsx outputs fail to save properly. The output file is locked as read-only due to currently being is use by another user and Excel reports that the file is corrupt when I try to open it (although it fixes without issue). This first happened after I switched to Office 365.

The output file sometimes unlocks if I close all Alteryx and Excel windows, but it remains corrupted. I suspect the issue occurs Alteryx tries to save a file at the same time that perform an action in Excel 365. My recommendation is to avoid using Excel 365 while an Alteryx report is running. 

5 - Atom

I am having the same problem where the output becomes a read only file. I thought this was a SharePoint issue. But it is now happening when the output file is saved on the server. Is there any solution?

11 - Bolide

Edit - Found an error in part of my workflow that was causing the process to remain open.  VBScript was trying to rename a sheet name that did not exist.

