Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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"Attempt to read past the end of the file" with YXDB

7 - Meteor

I recently upgraded my Alteryx version, and now a workflow that used to work isn't working for me. I have a YXDB feeding into an iterative macro, but now when I hit run its throwing an "Attempt to read past the end of the file" error.
Just as a note, I am working on rebuilding the workflow with new inputs, would the copied macro/yxdb combo in another workflow be the issue? Or is it something with the newer version of Alteryx? Can't find any answers anywhere.

7 - Meteor

Solved offline - when I updated my version, it changed the way the YXDB was saved/mapped in the workflow. Just had to go in and reconnect to the correct YXDB file.

7 - Meteor

I'm having the same problem, and remapping didn't work. This is a database that is expanded frequently. Could it have gotten too big?

