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journal entry workflow

6 - Meteoroid

I have this column called "journal entry memo" and a check i have to perform is that it can't be longer than 40 characters and if it is I don't have to remove it instead I need to flag it for review so how would I do this in alteryx

11 - Bolide

You would use the LENGTH formula


If LENGTH([Journal entry memo]) > 40

Then "Research"

Else "Okay"



Something like that and then you can Filter for "Research"



Or add a Filter for LENGTH([Journal entry memo]) > 40



If this works for you, please mark the post as Solved!

13 - Pulsar

You can use something like the following in a formula tool.




if Length([Field1]) <= 40 then 'OK' else 'Check' endif



6 - Meteoroid

if i do this then the value will be replaced by "Research", I still need the value to be there but it should be flagged for review. For example, if the journal entry memo value is "feb payroll.10000" i still need that value to show after i apply the formula and not be replaced by "Research"

15 - Aurora

In the Formula tool, don't select an existing field.  Choose the option for Add Column.


If you are unfamiliar with the basic functionality of the Formula tool, at the top of this page check out

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