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how to switch between workflow based on Input files.

8 - Asteroid

Hi All -


I was wondering if there is way to run workflow based on files. Here are the situation I have : - 


->20 files text files( fixed delimited )

->20workflow  logic are different  across all workflow 


If user select input file_1 in that case workflow_1 should run


If user select input file_2 in that case workflow_2 should run ...... is there way.


also number of file and workflow could increase in future.


any help would be appreciated.





Mukesh Y

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hi @Mukeshy12390 

Is there are reason you have it in 20 separate workflows and can't have it in one workflow then have the logic decide what path to take? 

Joshua Burkhow - Alteryx Ace | Global Alteryx Architect @PwC | Blogger @ AlterTricks
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

You can use the detour tool to determine which "path" in the workflow the data should follow.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Mukeshy12390,


If your logic is all in separate workflows your could think about using the conditional runner crew macro to define which workflow should run. This set of macros is available at if you want to download them!


If this solves your issue please mark the answer as correct, if not let me know!




8 - Asteroid

thanks for the reply.


okay, so here is the reason I'm looking to build different workflow instead of one.


reason  -  input files could  go increase in future it might go to 50 from 20 in next year. If I create one workflow it would be messy to handle 50 files logic and considering fact I'm kinda new to Alteryx.



reason 2  - if  there is any changes to particular input file in future that can be handled individually from respective workflow.




8 - Asteroid

thanks for the reply. I can't download it my company policy doesn't allow that and also end user would be different team.


otherwise that could be perfect solution. I will check on my homes' laptop.



8 - Asteroid

thanks for the reply -  I will take look of "Detour Tool" if you any sample please share.

8 - Asteroid

Hi All -


Still trying to solve the issue.


Can anyone tell how bypass error Or Run workflow with Error. I have attached sample workflow , where I match the filename if it matches then generate the Output else no Action.


Note  : -  there would be 20 workflow in which 1 would match filename and rest wouldn't in that case no error should come.
